The House of Representatives has expressed concern over the continued detention of the leader of the Fulani group, Allab Kaital Kore Bello Badejo, by the Nigerian military without charge or trial.
The House said this was in violation of his human rights as enshrined in Articles 34, 35 and 36 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended).
The House condemned the attempt by the 177th Battalion to interfere with the police and courts in resolving civil disputes.
The House called on the “Chief of Defence Staff and the Chief of Army Staff to order the release of Alhaji Bello Badejo from his unlawful detention and to grant him clemency for the violation of his constitutional human rights.”
“It invites the Chief of Defence Staff, the Chief of Army Staff and the Commander of the 177th Battalion to appear before the House of Representatives Committees on Intelligence, Human Rights and the Judiciary on Thursday, December 20, 2024 at 3:00 p.m., to explain why the military under their command violated the provisions of the Nigerian Constitution.”