Most S3xually Active Woman Who Set Target To Sleep With 600 Men This Year Gives Update On Her Progress

3 weeks ago 22

Annie Knight, the “most s3xually active woman” in Australia has given an update on her bid to engage in s3xual intercourse with 600 people in 2024.

She set a goal in 2023 to sleep with 365 people, and in 2024, she decided to “level up” and sleep with 600 people throughout the year.

“Last year, everyone started talking about me because I was talking about my s3xual escapades online and I mentioned how many people I’d slept with and it went viral and everyone was talking about it,” she told New Zealand’s “Edge” podcast with Clint, Meg and Dan. “And I thought, why not make a bit of fun out of this and make it a challenge.”

Knight, who publishes content on an adult subscription platform, revealed in the September 5 interview that she had just over 400 people, saying she was trying to use dating apps and meet people organically in real life.

But, in a bid to hit her goal of 600 people, she’s started taking applications from her followers where people can apply to sleep with her.

She was hit with an influx of applications, saying she didn’t know why she hadn’t done that sooner.

The person had to be OK with being filmed, but they had the option to have their face blurred. They also had to say if they’ve been tested for s3xually transmitted diseases; and had to send images of themselves.

She said she is really picky and, while sometimes she lowers the bar, there is definitely a certain standard that potential partners have to meet in the looks department.

Her goal to hit 600 people in a year means she would need to sleep with 1.6 people a day, but she revealed there are days when she simply isn’t bothered.

“You can’t cut people in half. Some days I might sleep with five people and the next few days I might not sleep with anyone. I do get tired. It is exhausting and I need to have a break,” she said.

“I don’t always feel like having s3x and I don’t want to force myself to if I’m not in the mood.”

She revealed that the highest number of people she slept with in a day was 16.

Knight, who revealed she is likely to make between $3 million and $4 million this fiscal year, said marketing was important as not everyone was going to make it in the industry. But it doesn’t always go according to plan.

However, she said people shout gross things at her in the street, which makes her feel uncomfortable.

Knight said she wasn’t a s3x toy and that people need to treat her like a human being.

It’s not the only time the former marketing executive has spoken about the downside of her chosen career, with Australia’s “most s3xually active woman” telling last year: “People love to tell me to ‘get a real job’ even though I’ll likely pay $1 million in taxes this financial year.

“Another favourite comment is ‘Your mum and dad must be proud,’ which is one I always laugh at because, yes, they are.

“My mum messages me daily telling me how proud she is for living my life authentically and not caring what anyone thinks, and my dad supports me no matter what.”

While the 27-year-old woman’s family are supportive of Knight’s raunchy profession, it hasn’t always been smooth sailing.

Knight’s X-rated career was “outed” to her dad, Simon, who until that point had only known his daughter worked in “social media.”

“It was pretty awful to receive a panicked call from my dad saying,‘A reporter just showed up at my door and is saying my daughter is a s*x maniac,’” she explained.

 “My heart sank, not because I was ashamed but because my dad is so innocent and kind and he loves me so much, he would have been so confused and shocked by that.

“I’m not sure exactly what was said to my dad, but the fact he paraphrased ‘s3x maniac’ makes me think it wasn’t anything pleasant.

“It made me feel like I was being slut-shamed. But thankfully, I had a conversation with Dad and explained what OnlyFans was and he was OK with it, he’s very supportive.”